LANAP® Gum Therapy Lansdale, PA

lanap logoDo you have advanced gum disease or periodontitis? If you are suffering from the effects of deteriorating gums, our dental care team offers LANAP® laser gum therapy.

LANAP® is a leading-edge treatment for advanced periodontal disease that can halt progression and stimulate the rejuvenation of healthy tissue. Gum disease is a leading cause of tooth loss, and LANAP® can offer a smile-saving solution to restore oral health and overall wellness.

How Does LANAP® Work?

LANAP®, which stands for Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure, uses the benefits of lasers to address infection and stimulate healing. This FDA-cleared and proven therapy stimulates new bone and gum tissue growth where gums have receded and exposed tooth roots. It can save natural teeth and support overall physical health by restoring health and stable gum tissue.

During each session, the LANAP® procedure will occur over two office visits, concentrating on one side of the gums. Our dental care team will gently guide the ultra-thin laser fiber into the affected gum area during treatment. This laser fiber can simultaneously remove infection and create a natural blood clot in the gum pocket, stimulating the healing and regrowth of healthy tissue.

Although a minimally invasive process, patients can expect to experience mild swelling around the treated gums and will be given instructions for at-home care to ensure a good result. Most patients can resume normal daily activities within a couple of days.

The Benefits of LANAP

LANAP can offer key benefits for patients as an alternative to osseous surgery for periodontitis. Patients who have received LANAP report that the less painful process requires less downtime and provides faster results for gum rejuvenation. As a minimally invasive procedure, LANAP does not require a scalpel to cut tissue or use sutures. Laser energy targets the treated area and does not impact healthy tissue.

LANAP can help patients in danger of losing teeth restore their oral health and maintain the structure of their natural smile. Addressing gum disease also has health benefits beyond your smile. Rejuvenated, healthy gums can support your immune system by keeping harmful bacteria in the mouth from entering the bloodstream. Patients with gum disease are raising their long-term risk for systemic infections and even cardiovascular disease.

LANAP in Lansdale, PA

Are you ready to explore your treatment options with our Lansdale dental care team? Schedule a visit with one of our dentists to evaluate your periodontal needs and discuss the benefits of LANAP. We welcome new patients and can offer a second opinion if you have been told you need osseous or oral surgery to repair your gums.