Dental Crown Lansdale PA

Do you have a worn tooth? Have you sustained tooth damage from an injury? You may benefit from dental crown treatment in our Lansdale, PA dental office. Tooth crowns are a restorative dentistry solution that may cover natural teeth or cap off dental implants.

They offer strength and stability to the smile while improving the uniformity of the teeth. Our dental team at Brookwood Dental Associates helps patients repair their teeth, strengthen weakened enamel, and improve the uniformity of the bite with tooth crowns.

Tooth Crowns in Lansdale, Pennsylvania

Dental Crown Treatment

We must remove a small portion of the tooth enamel to prepare a natural tooth for a dental crown. This does not further damage the tooth but ensures that the crown fits the tooth properly. Once the tooth is prepared, we will take dental impressions. These impressions are used to make the crown.

We use the CEREC® method, or Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramic, to create dental crowns in our office. CEREC uses computer imaging and manufacturing. This means we can create models of the crowns and manufacture them using our milling machine. This process, from the initial dental impressions to the dental crown, can take as little as two hours.

The Uses of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are one of the most popular dental restorations because they treat a wide range of dental concerns, both cosmetic and restorative. Traditionally, professional teeth whitening is the treatment option for discolored teeth. However, not all discoloration responds to this treatment. We color-match a dental crown to whatever shade of white you pick. It covers the entire tooth, so no discoloration shows.

If you have misshapen or disfigured teeth, they can both look bad and impact the function of your smile. You may have issues chewing food or speaking clearly. A dental crown gives you back a full tooth that functions as it should. This is also the case if you break a tooth. It fills out the missing tooth portion and gives it back functionality. A broken tooth can leave exposed tooth nerves and cause pain. A crown remedies that.

Dental crowns are often our last chance to preserve your natural tooth. We practice conservative dentistry and want to preserve the natural tooth structure whenever possible. Crowns can treat teeth that are severely decayed or damaged, eliminating the issues that come with losing your tooth root.

Lastly, crowns are ideal choices to assist with other dental restorations. A dental bridge uses natural teeth as anchor teeth to support it. A dental crown goes over your natural tooth and takes on the stress of supporting the dental bridge. Crowns are also the most common final restoration choice for a dental implant. We customize the crown’s shape, shade, and size so that it blends in perfectly with your smile.

Dental Crown FAQs

Read answers to common questions that patients have about crowns to learn more about this restorative treatment:

How do I know if I am a candidate for dental crowns?

Patients must be healthy enough to receive tooth crowns like other dental restorations. However, you will be a good candidate for crowns if you have damaged, weakened, or stained teeth. Our team will make sure that you are healthy enough for this restoration so you can improve the appearance and function of your teeth.

What are the benefits of dental crowns?

Dental crowns:

  • Save damaged teeth
  • Add structure to an unbalanced smile
  • Blend in with natural teeth
  • Last for many years
  • Brighten stained teeth
  • Strengthen weak teeth

How long do dental crowns last?

With the right care, tooth crowns can last 15 to 30 years. Patients still need to continue their oral hygiene routine and visit the dentist regularly. Ensuring that the crowns and natural teeth remain clean and healthy can lengthen the lifespan of your restoration.

What are inlays and onlays?

Inlays and onlays are partial crowns that cover a smaller portion of the tooth. However, they act similarly to dental crowns and tooth fillings. They are also made of a composite material that easily blends in with the shade of natural teeth. Inlays cover the tooth surface between the cusps or sides of the tooth, while onlays cover the tooth surface as well as the tooth cusps. We will recommend inlays or onlays for patients with worn and damaged teeth and patients who have received root canal treatment.

Can I get a cavity with a dental crown?

The dental crown itself cannot get a cavity. It isn’t living, natural tissue, so it isn’t susceptible to bacteria. However, you do still have natural tooth structure underneath it that is susceptible. If the crown is too big or isn’t applied properly, bacteria can get under it and into the tooth structure. It’s essential to clean your dental crown properly. If you notice that your crown is loose or have any other issues, call our office.

What can’t I do after getting a dental crown?

The cement cures quickly, but avoid eating for about an hour after your crown placement. Wait until the local anesthetic wears off, too, so you don’t accidentally bite down on your tongue or soft tissue. Moving forward, avoid foods that are too hard or sticky, as these are most likely to damage your crown.

Contact Our Dental Office

Do you need to restore a damaged or injured tooth? Call Brookwood Dental Associates at 267-651-7247. You can also schedule a dental appointment with our team on our website.