Dental Implants Lansdale, PA

If you have one or multiple missing permanent teeth, replacing them as soon as possible is important. Missing teeth impact the look of the smile and affect the health of the remaining teeth and gums. Patients should contact a dental professional for treatment if missing teeth are caused by tooth decay or gum disease. As bacteria spread and infect the teeth and gums, more permanent teeth may be lost.

Poor oral health can also contribute to overall health concerns and impact your quality of life. Replacing missing teeth in a timely manner is important for the stability of your smile and long-term dental health and wellness. Our dental care team in Lansdale is experienced in implant dentistry and can help you restore your smile with personalized care.

Patients can restore missing teeth with dental implants in Lansdale, PA. The dentists at Brookwood Dental Associates custom-tailor implants and the dental crowns, dental bridges, or dentures they secure. They take each patient’s health history, current dental problems, and restorative goals into account in order to create high-quality, permanent replacements for missing teeth. Dental implants are a restorative dentistry procedure that Brookwood Dental Associates offers to patients in Lansdale, PA.

Implants in Lansdale, Pennsylvania

Dental Implant Treatment

Before dental implant treatment, our team ensures that patients have good oral health. They make sure to treat any problems like decay or gum disease. Our team can also perform bone grafting for patients who do not have enough bone tissue to support dental implants. These treatments prepare patients for implant treatment and a quick healing process.

After ensuring that any remaining teeth and gums are healthy, our team takes detailed x-rays and impressions. These are used to determine where to place the implants and to create the restoration secured by the implants. Once the titanium posts are surgically implanted into the jaw bone, they will require 3 to 6 months of healing.

The implants heal during a process called osseointegration, during which the implant post fuses with the jaw bone. This process ensures that the implant is stable. Then, once the implant or implants are healed, we will cap them off with a custom-made dental crown, bridge, or denture.

Ideal Candidates for Dental Implants

There are certain factors that make some patients more eligible for dental implants than others. One of the most crucial things is to have enough healthy bone structure to support the implants. When you’re missing a tooth, the jawbone deteriorates in that area. But implants need the jawbone so that they can replace that tooth root. If you don’t have enough healthy bone structure, you may need to get a bone graft before we can move forward with implant placement.

We’ll talk to you about your medical history and general health. Since implant placement is a surgical procedure, you have to be in good overall health to be able to undergo anesthesia and the implant procedure. Oral health is important, too. If you have conditions like gum disease or still have tooth fragments in the mouth, these things must be taken care of.

If you’re getting dental implants, you need to be dedicated to good oral hygiene. Things like smoking and heavy drinking can cause problems with the implants and make them more likely to fail. You must commit to caring for the implants diligently to ensure their success.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

We recommend dental implants whenever possible to patients that are missing teeth. They’re the only tooth replacement option that replaces the tooth root as well as the crown. They provide a lot of functional benefits that other options don’t have. However, not everyone is eligible for dental implants. You have to be in reasonably good health to undergo a surgical procedure. Implants also require sufficient healthy bone structure to support them.

But implants, by far, look and feel the most like your natural teeth. Since they anchor in your jaw, you don’t have to worry about them slipping or falling out when you’re eating or speaking in public. They don’t require any special adhesive to stay in your mouth, either. They give you back almost your full bite function, too. You can retain your normal diet and don’t have to make any changes or eliminate certain foods.

Implants are topped with dental restorations that are made to match the size, shape, and shade of your natural teeth. People usually can’t even tell that they’re not your natural teeth. They don’t require any special steps or maintenance to care for them. You only have to brush and floss like you normally would and visit your dentist regularly.

One of the best benefits is that they stop jawbone deterioration. With other restorations, the jawbone continues to deteriorate because you don’t replace the tooth root. This changes the fit of your restoration over time and causes a sagging appearance to your face. Your facial muscles rely on jawbone structure for the shape of your face. Implants stop jawbone deterioration and that sunken appearance. They can even cause some jawbone regeneration as the bone fuses with the implant post.

Dental Implant FAQs

Discover more about dental implants and their advantages to patients with missing teeth here:

Do dental implants hurt?

No, getting dental implants doesn’t hurt. During the implant placement, we’ll completely numb the area where we will place the implant. You may feel some pressure and discomfort but shouldn’t feel any pain. You’ll be sore for some time after the procedure as you heal. It is a surgery, so it’s natural to be a bit sore and uncomfortable while the area heals. If you experience sharp, severe pain, call our office immediately, as this is a sign that something isn’t right.

Can dental implants fail?

Yes, although dental implants have a success rate of about 95%, they can fail to heal in the mouth in several ways. Nicotine restricts blood flow and can slow the implant healing process. Because of this, we ask that patients refrain from smoking or using tobacco products during their implant treatment.

Furthermore, if patients develop gum disease or decay, their implants can destabilize. Patients should remember to care for their implants and remaining teeth to keep infection at bay. Our dental team will also ensure that patients are in good oral health before implant treatment begins.

Are dental implants a permanent solution for tooth loss?

Yes. Dental professionals consider dental implants a long-term and potentially permanent solution for tooth loss. Manufacturers design them to last many years and even a lifetime if the patient cares for them properly. However, the crown that attaches to the implant may eventually need replacement after 10 to 15 years. This is normally due to wear and tear.

Can you get dental implants after having dentures for years?

Yes. You can get dental implants after wearing dentures for years. In fact, some oral surgeons and dentists recommend some patients make the switch. However, there might be challenges. Long-term denture use can lead to bone loss in the jaw. You need good bone and jaw structure for implant support. You may need a bone graft before placing implants if there’s insufficient bone. Consult a dentist or oral surgeon to assess the jawbone’s condition and determine your best action.

How long do dental implant posts last?

Dental implant posts can last a lifetime with proper care. The implant post itself is highly durable. However, the crown attached to the post may need replacement after 10 to 15 years due to wear and tear. Regular dental check-ups and good oral hygiene can maximize the longevity of implant posts.

Does insurance cover a dental implant procedure?

Dental insurance coverage can vary by plan and provider. Some dental insurance plans may partially cover the cost of dental implants. Others might not cover it at all. Often, insurance companies consider dental implants a cosmetic procedure; many insurance plans don’t cover it. However, insurance plans cover some parts of the tooth implant procedure. This would include preparatory bone grafts or extractions. Check with your specific insurance provider and review your policy details to understand what they cover and do not.

Schedule a Dental Appointment

Do you want to replace your missing teeth with strong dental implants? Call 267-651-7247 or request a dental consultation on our website. Let us know if you have any more questions, and we will be happy to help you.